Thread: Firmware Ferguson Ariva 150 and 250Combo A150/250Combo_20140320 _ 1.26B1_patch version of the emu and sharing (build to darksidedvb) - Another fix, newcamd and mgcamd - Fix. Aqui esta lo patch e firmware original para lo ariva 150 HD combo * A150Combo_20160817_1.31B2_patch.rar. Firmware ariva 150 combo - 2 - Ferguson Hd.
GUIDA INSTALLAZIONE FIRMWARE+LISTA FERGUSON ARIVA 15x COMBO. Certainly Satworld, Electroplus and MSE/ would have an idea of one versus the other given that they sell both approved and unapproved types.Īiuto spento totalemente dopo avere caricato firmware patch ALL OF aid off after loading firmware patch. Interesting that the Ariva 150 is the biggest selling combo, is there a breakdown of the figures for receivers sold? I'd be interested in knowing how unapproved recievers like the 150 sold verses the approved receivers.Īny one retailer would have a fair idea of what is selling and what is not.